Auto Accidents

auto accidents
Auto Accidents
Stay Ahead of The Pain

Don't wait for the onset of the pain, get a jump start on the healing process.

Auto Accidents

Auto Accidents

A car accident should never be taken lightly. A variety of injuries (to any part of the body) can result from being involved in an automobile accident depending on the details of the crash and severity of the impact. Even low speed collisions, can have a severe impact on one’s health and well-being. Some of the most common physical injuries sustained in automobile accidents include those to the:

  • Head and brain
  • Neck
  • Back
  • Spinal cord
  • Limbs
  • Internal organs

When a person is involved in an automobile accident, upon impact their body undergoes rapid changes in motion and energy, which can cause the spine to be thrown out of alignment. Spinal misalignment is characterized by vertebrae that lose their natural positioning with adjacent vertebrae. Displacement of vertebrae can put pressure on the nerves and nerve roots where they join the spinal cord, leading to severe pain and discomfort. For many patients, the onset of pain is several hours to days, sometimes weeks, later. If you’ve been in an automobile accident, it is imperative to have your spine examined by a Chiropractor.

Chiropractic Treatment for Automobile Accident Patients

Often times when a person has pain, whether from an automobile accident or other activity, they reach for the pain relievers. What many do not realize is that pain relievers do not address the root cause of pain,  rather they disrupt nerve pathways and mask the pain, providing only temporary relief. Chiropractic, however, offers a real solution to healing and pain relief through precise manipulations of the spine. With regular chiropractic treatment and service we are able to heal a variety of injuries and ailments.

Strupe Chiropractic has a long history of treating patients suffering from severe pain as a result of being in a car accident, and more importantly, we have a proven record for generating positive results with consistent treatments. Combining an extensive examination of the patient, with the circumstances of the accident, we are able to assess and understand the force, impact and resulting damage to the body and put together an specific treatment plan to help relieve pain and assist the body with its natural healing process. Chiropractic treatments for automobile accident patients should begin as soon as possible after the accident to help achieve the most positive results.

For a courtesy chiropractic consultation, schedule an appointment today.

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