Sports & Athletic Injuries

Sports and Athletic Injuries
Full Range of Motion

Optimize athletic performance with regular chiropractic care.

Sports and Athletic Injuries

Sports & Athletic Injuries

Exercise and physical activity are important at all ages in helping maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, with sports being one of the most popular options. Along with all of the heath benefits of exercise, however, comes the risk for injury. It is estimated that up to 20% of sports related injuries involve damage to the back or neck. Contact sports such as football and rugby pose a higher risk than non-contact sports like swimming. Even professional football teams recognize the importance of chiropractic care and have chiropractors on staff for their players. Regardless of the sport or type of activity, it is important to understand the risks and be aware of the types of injuries that can occur and to know when it is important to seek chiropractic care.

Common Causes of Sports-Related Spinal Injuries:

While injuries to the back and neck can result from a variety of occurrences, the most common causes include:

  • Contact or collision with another person or object
  • Falling as a result of contact or collision
  • Improper use of equipment
  • Overexertion of the muscles and tendons
  • Lack of proper conditioning

Types of Sports Injuries

The lower back is a common area for injury with many physical activities. Activities that involve twisting, like dance or golf, repetitive actions like running, and weight-loading activities put significant pressure on the lower back and can cause pain or damage.

The upper back, generally receiving fewer injuries that the lower back, can be injured with rotation of the torso, like in golf or swimming, or with rib fracture from collision or contact.

Neck injuries and pain are more common in contact sports when the body is in full motion and suddenly stops. Similar to what happens in a low speed automobile collision, energy becomes redirected upon contact and can be exerted throughout the body. Take the example of two football players colliding. Both have a forward motion but upon colliding their energy from acceleration will get redirected through one or both players in some form or fashion. There are many factors involved such as speed, direction, weight of the players, etc. that impact the result of the collision, but regardless, the neck is a common area for injury.

In addition to neck and back injuries other common athletic injuries include:

  • Strains: tears to muscles or tendons usually caused by twisting or over-extension of a joint. Tendons attach muscles to bones.
  • Sprains: tears to a ligament, which connects two bones. Sprains are also caused by twisting or over-extension of a joint.
  • Tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon, typically from overuse.
  • Stress Fracture: a hairline crack in a bone resulting from repeated or prolonged stress on a bone. It is a very common injury in dancers, runners, and soldiers.
  • Shin Splints: microfractures on the front of the tibia, an injury common with runners.

While these are specific to athletic injuries, please see our Treatment and Services page for a complete list of injuries and ailments we treat.

Preventing Sports-Related Injuries

While it is impossible to completely prevent athletic injuries, here are a few tips to help reduce risk:

  • Before starting an exercise routine or sport, consult with your doctor, especially if you have a history of back pain.
  • Acquire proper training of equipment, techniques and form.
  • Ease into your new sport or exercise routine. Overdoing it too quickly can strain muscles and tendons and put stress on the spinal column.
  • Properly warm-up, cool-down and stretch to help prepare and loosen muscles.
  • Seek chiropractic care immediately upon onset of pain.

If you, or someone you know is experiencing pain from any kind of physical activity, schedule an appointment with us for a courtesy consultation. Through proper diagnosis a treatment regimen can be established to aid in healing and pain relief.

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